A roadmap for learning Hanafi Fiqh

 As the title suggests, this post will lay out how one can learn and acquire fiqh, according to the Hanafi Madhab, to carry out one's religious duties (i.e., prayer, fasting, hajj, zakat and the practices related to them). This is how I have and am learning the Hanafi Madhab, so the books and courses mentioned are what I found to be the best for an average layperson like myself. This roadmap will probably be the most suitable for those who can dedicate a part-time study and are passionate enough to align their religious practices with orthodoxy. Creating an account at SeekersGuidance is necessary for the roadmap I am about to suggest.

Level: Beginner

Book: The Absolute Essentials Of Islam by Faraz Saeed Rabbani

Course Associated: SeekersGuidance Level 1 Course (Hanafi Track).

The course available on SeekersGuidance, taught by Sheikh Faraz himself, compliments this short book. Having completed this course, I can bet there isn't a better course available for beginners in the realm of fiqh. This book is divided into four sections:

1): Belief
2): The Rulings of the Sacred Law
3): Purification
4): The Prayer.

These sections were explained in the course by SeekersGuidance, which was great because it allowed me to take notes and be clear on anything that was confusing. This book and the course, do not delve into detail or intricacies of the sacred law relating to purification and prayer. Contrarily, it keeps everything simple, as the book and the course are for beginners. The lessons in this course are 12 in number and are about 1-2 hour long on average. This course provides quizzes after each lesson to help one retain what they learn. Overall, this course is an absolute must for anyone who chooses to follow the Hanafi Madhab. Having completed this course, I felt how easy our religion is and that gaining knowledge removes the unwanted fetters of hardships.

Besides the discussions on the contents of this book, Sheikh Faraz also provided remarkable insights and personal anecdotes that made the course more interesting.  
He is an absolute genius and can keep one attentive with his jokes, especially with the imaginary characters of Zubair and Zubeida. 

I would recommend buying this book because it helped me to jot down notes which made reference easier.

Level: Intermediate

Book: Ascent to Felicity by Abu I-Ikhlas al-Shurunbulali (Translated by Faraz A.Khan)

Course Associated: SeekersGuidance Level 1 Course (Hanafi Track).

Concise yet comprehensive primer in creed and jurisprudence. It spans all five pillars of Islam, as well as the topics of slaughtering, ritual sacrifice, and hunting. Presented in Arabic script with English transliteration. The course available on SeekersGuidance, taught by Ustadh Tabraze Azam, is a detailed commentary/explanation on this intermediate text. Designed to help seekers of knowledge to move past the essentials, this book is divided into several sections:

1): Islamic Creed
2): Purification 
3): The Ritual Prayer
4): Fasting
5): Almsgiving
6): The Greater Pilgrimage 
7): Ritual Sacrifice of Id Al-Adha
8): Ritually-Slaughtered Animals
9): Hunting

Appendix 1): Supplications
Appendix 2): Visiting the Messenger (S.A.W).

The book is fairly lengthier and has explanatory notes by Faraz A.Khan, a teacher at Zaytuna College, which makes the texts easier to comprehend. The course by SeekersGuidance additionally helps a seeker to understand concepts that might still be difficult. To help with understanding the text better, the course contains animated videos to help one grasp the details of the rulings. The course has 61 lessons that are on average an hour or two long each. This course also provides quizzes after each lesson to help one retain what they learn.

I would suggest that one takes their time with this book and course because new concepts are being introduced and the details can be difficult to understand and retain at times. My advice would be to jot down as many notes as possible, and to seek clarity and ask questions until the concepts are clear. Take things at your own pace and do not rush through each section of the book for that would reap no benefit. Completing this course would definitely enlighten a seeker and give a sense of achievement and contentment that is hard to explain.

Appendix 2 (Visiting the Messenger), for me personally, was the best part of this book which just goes to show that traditional Islam has a strong basis for establishing a deep connection with the Messenger (S.A.W) even after he is physically no longer among us. 

Level: Advanced

Book: Nur al-Idah by Abu I-Ikhlas al-Shurunbulali (Translated by Wesam Charkawi)

Course Associated: SeekersGuidance (Live Course)

Nur al-Idah is the most detailed of the books mentioned before. It is an ample law book that covers vast areas of learning ranging from purification to hajj. As this text is comprehensive, it provides a seeker sufficient grounding in the matters one encounters daily. This book was studied across the ottoman madrasas and was an integral part of their curriculum. Due to the amount of detail in this lengthy book, it should be studied with a scholar who can break down the details to enable better understanding. For this reason, the course associated with this book is an on-going course by Shaykh Faraz himself at SeekersGuidance. The recoded lessons are available at SeekersGuidance under 'Live Classes'. As for the remaining lessons, they are still being conducted and so far Shaykh Faraz has reached the chapter of Zakat. The book itself contains 6 sections:

1): Purification
2): Prayer
3): Funerals
4): Fasting
5): Zakat
6): Hajj and Umrah.

The rulings pertaining to each section are highly detailed and in-depth. Each lesson in the course is about 2-3 hours long due to the amount of detail this text contains. Nevertheless, in my opinion, covering this book would In Sha Allah be sufficient for a person who wants to perfect their obligations. As Shaykh Faraz is teaching this course himself, the reliability of  the transmission of knowledge is definitely par excellence. 

Again, I would suggest that one takes their time with this book and course due to the amount of detail that this book contains. Taking down notes and asking questions on the online forum at SeekersGuidance is the best way to ease one's understanding.  

Besides these books and courses that cover the five pillars, I would like to suggest two more courses. The topics of these two courses are, I believe, essential for every Muslim to learn due to the importance they have in our social lives. Both of these courses are by SeekersGuidance and are available as recorded lessons.

The first is Quduri's Mukhtasar: On Financial Transactions. 

The second is Quduri's Mukhtasar: On Marriage and Divorce. 

Alhamdulillah. This is my roadmap for learning Hanafi Fiqh. I am currently studying this curriculum that I have created. I pray that whoever is interested in learning their religion and comes across this roadmap that I have suggested, finds it beneficial. I pray that Allah makes it easy for us to learn His religion and perfect our worship of Him.


  1. How did you get these books? As the course on Seekers Guidance is an online

    1. I imported the first two books from White thread press in (UK) directly. I had a relative coming over from the UK through whom I got Nur al Idah.


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